Cross lagged panel design is a type of longitudinal structural equation model where information is collected at two or more points in time. It’s used primarily to assess causal relationships (which may potentially be bi-directional) in a non-experimental setting, i.e., where variables are not manipulated but simply recorded.
15 - 16 November 2022
9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Learning Outcome
You will learn to:
- Conduct longitudinal studies
- Conduct longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis (Longitudinal CFA)
- Carry out different types of longitudinal invariance assessments such as:
a. Configural invariance
b. Metric invariance
c. Scale invariance
d. Residual variance invariance, and
e. Residual covariance invariance
- Imposing equality constraints on structural model elements such as:
a. Disturbance variances,
b. Autoregressive effects, and
c. Cross-lagged effects - Perform Chi-square difference tests
- Assess the stability of variables over time
- Determine the causal direction between variables (i.e., directional and reciprocal relationships)
- Evaluate the relationships between changes in variables over time
- A good understanding of cross-sectional CB-SEM methods is required to better understand the longitudinal analysis (basic issues are not explored in this workshop).
- Participation in our EQS 6.4 workshop (October 12-13, 2022) is encouraged: Here is the registration link: https://forms.gle/UjhcVciMZPJXVrrv7
- Watching the videos on CB-SEM analysis with EQS through the channel below is encouraged:
Social sciences and medical researchers, R&D experts from industries, as well as post graduate students who are interested in advanced longitudinal statistical analysis may find this workshop meaningful and relevant.
Fee & Registration
Physical: RM 500.00
Virtual: RM 300.00
Register Here: