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Welcome to IPPTN

Institut Penyelidikan Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (IPPTN) or the National Higher Education Research Institute was proposed by Majlis Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (MPTN), which was established under the National Council on Higher Education Act 1996 (Act 546) to undertake the functions of planning, formulating, and determining national policies and strategies, as well as coordinating, promoting, and facilitating the development of higher education in Malaysia. 

"Leader in Higher Education Policy Research"





8th Global Higher Education Forum 2023 (GHEF)

8th Global Higher Education Forum 2023 (GHEF2023): “Equity Recovery - Higher Education In The Post-Pandemic Era”

Professional Certificate Higher Education in Leadership and Management

Professional Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Management (PCHELM) is a programme for professional development.

TVET Symposium
Pandemic Aftermath: Disability Inclusion and Equitable Quality Education in TVET Ecosystem

GHEF2023 Post-Conference Symposium, entitled ‘Pandemic Aftermath: Disability Inclusion and Equitable Quality Education in the TVET Ecosystem’

Seminar Bridging the Gap: Preparing Policy Papers for Policymakers

The policy is defined as a course of action engaged by the governing body or institution to address a particular situation that has been officially agreed upon by a group of leaders, a business organisation, and a government or political party. 

7th Global Higher Education Forum 2021 (GHEF)

7th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF) theme: Disruptive Era: Higher Education at the Crossroads

International Webinar on Women in Higher Education

"Advancing Leadership in a VUCA World"

Simposium Wanita Dalam Pengajian Tinggi 2021

Bersempena dengan "7th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF) 2021"

"Mewawaskan Semlua Masa Depan Kerja dalam Era Disruptive & Tidak Terjangka"

Bersempena dengan "7th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF2021)": Mewawaskan Semlua Masa Depan Kerja dalam Era Disruptive & Tidak Terjangka

  • Learning Lab for Postgraduate Students: Enhancing Career Development and Employability

  • 8th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF2023)

  • Commonwealth Postgraduate Forum

  • Lifelong learning: How Essential it is?

  • Commonwealth Postgraduate Students' Forum

  • Professional Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Management (PCHELM) 2023

  • International Webinar on Women in Higher Education

  • Scenario Planning for Higher Education

  • 7th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF2021)

  • Advance Hybrid Workshop on Cross-lagged Panel Modeling

  • Commonwealth Academic Forum 2024
    'Shattering Expectations: Women Leadership in Higher Education'


Discover boundless opportunities for academic growth and research excellence in our Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy programs. Join our vibrant community of scholars today and embark on a journey of intellectual exploration and discovery.


  • Title: Access and Inclusion of the Persons with Disabilities into Higher Education: A Case of Policy Implementation in Oman

    Awlad Wadair Aslam Salim Aayil
  • Title: The Role of Teachers' Competence and Training Environment's Support to Academic Performance in Higher Vocational Education in China

    Song Tianxiao
  • Title: Teachers' Teaching style, student motivation and student achievement in China higher vocational college

    Zhang Yifan
  • Title: Enhancing User Behavior: Investigating The Mediating Role of Student Satisfaction and Behavior Intention in an Integrative Model of UTAUT and Affective Event Teory

    Mai Wenjun
  • Title: Financial Sustainability of Higher Institution through the Alumni Engagement: A Case Study from China Private University

    Su Junlyu (Steven)